Officina Agroculturale Cafeci

Description of the CDT initiative:
Cafeci is a family-run cultural and social promotion association which is offering the experience of a sustainable, ecological and slow-living lifestyle to volunteers and travellers in a rural area near Enna (Sicily). It is managing a bed and breakfast, as well as an own garden with various bioproducts, that serves not only the need of the family and the travellers but also the neighbourhood. It is also organising trekking in the mountains near Enna, where they are using donkeys, and the trips are not only physically and psychologically refreshing experiences, but also educational and informative.

Geographic location:
Rural area near Enna

What problem they are trying to solve? What have they accomplished?
They have been able to establish, maintain and share an ecological and slow-living lifestyle, breaking out of consumerism, capitalism, stressful and environmentally damaging living. Their example is a real learning experience which does not leave anyone untouched who have met the family. Living in harmony with nature and animals, taking care of and benefitting from natural resources in a sustainable way and sharing their knowledge, skills and first and foremost their truly eco-friendly attitude is a true success and gift.

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